Thursday, January 17, 2013


       Hacking is a thief to get information without asking information, it is also getting out of your limitation. Hacker is a person  who enjoys learning programming languages and computer saystems and can often be considered an expert, popular press cooped the term to refer to individuals who gain unauthorized to computer systems for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data. The correct term for this kind of people is a Cracker. There are Ethical Hackers to know them they are trustworthy, excellent programming and networking skills and security related.
       Modes of Ethical Hacking: Insider Attack, Outsider Attack, Stolent Equipment Attack, Physical Enrty, By passed Authentication Attack and Social Engineering Attacks.
       Kinds of hackers: White Hats they are individuals who hack into a computer systems socialy to see how the computer security work. Black Hats aka "Crackers" complete opposite of white hats steal credit cards numbers vandalized. Red Hats they are agrresive version of a white hat in the employ of a government agency whose purpose is to hack into  the computer mainframe. Grey Hats they are normally ambiguous sometimes acts legally sometimes in good will and sometimes not. Blue Hats they are rouge hacker wh hacks for fun or to get revenge on a certain person. Green Hats they are name for a new hackers, who is just starting to practice hacking "noobs"-newbies. Ghost Hacker they have a hidden identity so well he should never get cought. The Script Kiddie not a hacker, doesn't have the required knowledge about computers, server and networks etc.

       Computer Virus is popularly knowen as the Brain virus was created 1986 by two brothers Amjad and Basit Farooq Alvi. A computer virus is a computer program thet can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another.
      Classifacation of Viruses: Nonresident Viruses and Resident Viruses. Types of computer virus: Resident virus, Overwrite virus, polymorfic virus and Macro Virus.
      Examples of Viruses: Brain Virus is the industry standard name for a computer virus that was released. Trojan Horse having a useful and desired function replicates nor copies itsefl, but causes damage the security. Worms is a program that makes and facilitates the distribution of copies of itself. Bootsector and Macro Virus. Rootkit virus is an undetectable virusm. Logic boobs are programmed to initiate at a specifec date or when a specific event occurs. Time delay virus take a much slower, more disciplined path towads ruining your computer.

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